Saturday, February 11, 2012

Maka Shan: Volume One: Maka Shan Saga (Paperback)

Maka Shan: Volume One: Maka Shan Saga
Maka Shan: Volume One: Maka Shan Saga (Paperback)
By Angela Browne-Miller

Review & Description

MAKA SHAN Volume One: MAKA SHAN SAGA Written by Anatarra Whitewing Afterword by Dr. Angela Browne-Miller This is the tale of a young woman who turns eighteen back in 1970. At eighteen, right after her mother dies, she joins a Native American commune, a pan-tribal tribe, seeking her true roots as she carries Native American blood herself -- a fact which her parents had seemed to her to be ashamed of. Now she feels called to find herself. She also feels called to learn the Tribe’s Earth Change survival knowledge she has heard about. However, she quickly stumbles into confusion and trouble, including rape, captivity, and near loss of life. She also discovers that the US Government is following her, and studying the efforts of some to regain access to sacred lands, portals. She is overwhelmed. Yet, she also finds some of the greatest spiritual teachers one could want to know on one’s life journey. And one of these guides seems to be her dead mother, now reaching to her from other realms. Once escaping the commune, leaving the dear friends and teachers she met there, she is directed by guides she finds along the way to embark on a journey to visit other tribal areas in the Americas, to understand the teachings she was given during the very trying time in the commune. She is called to ancient Mayan ritual grounds. She there finds, much to her surprise, that she actually belongs to an ancient tribe of medicine women who are speaking to her through time. Published by Metaterra® Publications Read more

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